What is e-Commerce and How is it beneficial for your business?
A vast change in technology has served our daily as well as business needs to in a very dominant manner. E-Commerce is one of the revolutionary transformation that has completely modified our way of doing business and shopping. E-Commerce or electronic commerce has been affecting our way of business trading since the mid 90s. In the past few years, it has gained much more attention than ever before because various aspects have been improved in it like e-commerce has become more reliable, better secured and user friendly. It simply feels like a better way of increasing profit at the same time making goodwill. It has successfully become a part of our life.
E-Commerce is beneficial to both entrepreneur as well as consumers. How?
They say time is money that is why nobody in this present era has the time to do shopping in a traditional manner. E-Commerce provides a platform where a potential visitor can scroll his desired items, compare, process and then grabs the best buy offer with the help of few clicks, while sitting at the comfort of his cozy couch. Payment can also be made from the home in a secured manner. E-Commerce gives customers various choices to choose the appropriate product for them.
From a business point of view E-Commerce helps a business man by eliminating the middle man unlike in their traditional business trading where a middle man (retailer, wholesaler) comes in between their consumer and them. By eliminating middle man, business owner saves lots of money which can be deflected towards other aspects of business like marketing & advertising. E-Commerce also allows online store owners to offer products at the right price because middle man is not there so he can offer a price that their customer will never find anywhere else so they will stick to them only.
E-Commerce also helps in business promotion practices. It is really cost effective to put an advertisement on a famous website where every day thousands of visitors visit rather than getting a roadside banner or making an advertisement commercial. Your business gets operated from an online store so there is no office management, employee payment costs are there. This is how you save more money.
Now how you get more business?
E-Commerce allows you to grab customers even outside of your country. E-Commerce eliminates geographical boundaries and allows you to do business overseas customers can buy your products from any part of the world with the help of your online store. I am not finished yet, when you will be sleeping at that time also you will be making money how? Your online store is open 24/7 so when it is night in your country it is morning in other countries, people can access your website any time and buy goods and pay for them even if you are on a vacation with your family.
Please feel free to contact us for your questions & doubts, we would love to step forward and solve them.