How A Responsive Website Design Plays A Vital Role In Website’s Success
In this present fast changing world everything needs to be flexible and modern updated to be worthwhile in the hands of nextgen. Like in previous days internet is not only used for exchanging information anymore, nowadays World Wide Web has become a giant source of gaining potential customers for your online store or business. In order to meet new generation’s new and smart needs companies are making sophisticated changes in their technologies to concur their spheres as fast as possible. So there is no point for you to lack behind and do business in old classic methods.
What is a responsive website?
A good responsive website is able to adapt the screen resolution setting and adjust the font & text automatically, no matter on what device it is opened on. A responsive website should be attractive, lightweight, glitch free and fast loading because nobody likes to wait. A good responsive website’s smooth working factor doesn’t get affected by any screen size or resolution. They say a picture is equal to thousand words so have a look at it.
It’s just a waste of time, I don’t need it!
If you are the owner of a business website and you are thinking “There is no need to modify my website for making it responsive and stuff” then you are making a huge mistake and letting your competitors taking away your customer that’s right you read it right YOUR CUSTOMERS.
It is a proven fact that new smart handheld devices will soon overcome desktops and laptops. Have a glimpse of a few facts that will blow your mind
v More than 20% of Google searches are being performed on a mobile device.
v In the year 2012 50% of the search engines were accessed on mobile devices.
v Right now 30% of American internet users access the World Wide Web on their tablets & Smartphones.
v In all over the world, 25.85% of all emails are currently opened on mobile phones, and 10.16% are opened on tablets.
All of above words prove that in order to gain new heights in your business sphere getting a responsive website is highly mandatory.
So if your website is not responsive in nature, then you are losing lots of positive customers every day, you might have lost a bit of goodwill of your business website also, how? Read further I will explain it below.
What Are The Benefits Of A Responsive Website?
A good responsive website not only benefits your website visitors, but also you too! A good, reliable, responsive website can change the interested visitor into a potential customer. Whenever a user opens your website on his Smartphone and website is not responsive to the handheld devices he will likely to be frustrated and never come back to your website no matter how good products & services you offer. That is how your competitor takes benefit of your lacking in the website.
Curious! How your website is working right now? Fortunately Google has created a tool to check the status of website click here to see
A user friendly and responsive website implies great effect on search engines, Googlebot does consider the bounce rate of a website in ranking factor. If the user is getting frustrated because your website is slow or not customized according to different screen resolutions it may harm your website and your goodwill of business because first impression is the last impression. So also make sure your website is light weights and open up fast because if it is slow 50% of the visitors will close it and look for another source (most likely your competitor).
Always keep in mind that social media is a very powerful tool for a business these days, everybody is connected through social media so get your website engaged in a blog or a social networking website which will help you in dragging lots of customers to your website. All you need to do is make a blog attract visitors by uploading interesting new things in your blog and make sure it gets open on any platform & any screen resolution.
The world is changing so do we, gets a design flexible enough for your website to make possible changes in the future if (which is sure) need arises. But flexibility should not affect other aspects like speedy response, user friendly etc.
Give what you expect to have; this is the only way to be the leader in the sphere of your business field. Please contact us if you feel to have more info on this topic or hire us.